Charting a Greener Path
Our stride toward a sustainable future is illuminated by our latest venture into solar energy. With a sprawling coverage of solar panels across 64% of our square footage, we've turned our rooftops into powerhouses of green energy. The recent initiative at Candor TechSpace New Town-Rajarhat, Kolkata, is a beacon of this progress. In collaboration with a forefront solar rooftop developer, we've embarked on an ambitious journey to harness the sun's vitality. The installation of solar panels with a generation capacity of 7.18 MW over a 25-year horizon is a bold step toward energy autonomy. This project is more than an energy solution; it's a commitment to reduce our carbon footprint significantly, enhancing the environmental health of the communities we serve.
64% Coverage
A significant portion of our properties, 64%, has been transformed into sustainable energy hubs with the installation of rooftop solar panels.
7.18 MW Generation Capacity
The solar panels installed are projected to have a total generation capacity of 7.18 megawatts over a 25-year period, demonstrating a long-term investment in renewable energy.
5,890 Metric Tons of CO2 Reduction
The anticipated environmental impact of this initiative is substantial, with an expected reduction in greenhouse gas emissions of 5,890 metric tons over the next 25 years, highlighting our active role in combating climate change.